
  • Purchase with Spa Service

  • Single, 30-Minute Session

  • Series of 4 (equivalent to $35/session)

  • Series of 8 (equivalent to $30/session)


IonCleanse — The Stress-Free Way to Detoxify

Recall the way you felt the last time you stood next to a waterfall, or walked along the beach with the waves crashing at your feet. You breathed deeper into your lungs, your brain cleared and the pains in your joints subsided. You felt relaxed and at peace with the world. The IonCleanse creates the same wonderful feeling as the walk on the beach or standing next to a waterfall. By breaking the bonds that hold the water molecules together, it creates one single Hydrogen atom that now has a positive charge, and the HO molecule that takes on a negative charge. As you walk on the beach, your body absorbs millions of these negatively-charged particles, that, in turn, alkalizes the blood and tissues. HO ions create a magnetic field, now capable of attaching themselves to particles. Through the IonCleanse footbath process, the particles of waste materials are removed from the body through osmosis. The IonCleanse is a relaxing and comfortable way for you to begin the cleansing and healing process, and just with one session you will begin to see results. IonCleanse Inc. believes the colors in the water to represent the following:

  • Yellow-Green — Detoxifying from the kidney, bladder, urinary tract, female reproductive organs, and male prostrate gland
  • Orange — Detoxifying from the joints
  • Brown — Detoxifying from the liver, tobacco, cellular debris
  • Black — Detoxifying from the liver
  • Dark Green — Detoxifying from the gallbladder
  • White foam — Lympatic system
  • White cheese-like particles — Most likely yeast
  • Black flecks — Heavy metals
  • Red flecks — Blood clot material

Poor diet, high stress, and environmental pollutants can cause our bodies to accumulate and store excessive amounts of waste products and toxins. This waste can attack joints, tissues, muscles, organs, and glands causing minor to major dysfunction. This is what to expect in a session: You will start by sitting in a chair with your feet in a container of warm sea salt water for 20 to 30 minutes. As the process begins, you will see the ater begin to change colors as the body works to remove waste and toxins. In some cases, you may feel sensations that range from itching, to drawing and tingling. When your session is complete, your feet will be rinsed off and dried. The IonCleanse purifies the body more effectively and faster than herbal or fasting protocols, with little or no stress to the person. This is what to expect after your IonCleanse session: You have just begun to detoxify your body, and have started the process of eliminating the poisons that were floating around. The body will now be encouraged to release the toxins held in the storage areas. As these stored toxins are released, we encourage you to drink lots of water for at least the next 24 hours. You will experience a number of positive benefits, including increased strength, increased energy, mental clarity, less pain and stiffness, increased flexibility, and over feeling awesome. If you are very toxic, you may experience: Headaches — as your body pulls stored toxins from your head and more oxygen is received to the brain Nausea — as the gallbladder and the liver release poisons that are stored as a protective device for your life. When poisons are released, people may experience flu-like symptoms. This is actually a good sign and remember to drink lots of water. Fatigue — the body will use large amounts of metabolic energy when the healing process begins. This is another good sign. Loose Stools — as the body gains strength from the initial detoxification, it will flush even more poisons out of your system through the stool. Again, drink lots of water. This keeps the poisons diluted and hydrates the tissues so that elimination is easier. After the IonCleanse you will need to replenish the following:

  • Electrolytes (calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium)
  • Minerals and Vitamins
  • Fatty Acids (omega-3, flax seed oil)
  • Antioxidants (fruit juices or fresh fruit and vegetables)

A Word of Caution: Please avoid drinking alcoholic beverages immediately after your IonCleanse as it may cause you to feel extremely ill.

Remember, detoxification accelerates changes in the body and healthy lifestyle choices will support this process. Please understand that YOU take full responsibility for your own health and well being. While we do annalize the colors and particles in the water, we do not make any medical judgements or diagnosis. The IonCleanse footbath is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

To learn more about the benefits of IonCleanse, visit

